Duration 3:13

Zeitgeist: Is Florence Pugh’s haircut really worth all the buzz

19 watched
Published 30 Jul 2023

#zeitgeistflorence #pughs #haircutworth #buzzcut IDEA Recently, there are several titles about actress Florence Pugh and the latest hair style. He first looked at Met Gala, first a few months ago, but now he explained what caused the brave new hair style. In an interview with Radio Times, Pugh said he wanted to öyleme makeup from the picture ”. “I chose to look like this."said. He also explained that as a player, he had control over his own public and did not think he had to “fight” to control it. For anyone who follows Pugh's career and public comments, none of them should come as shock. Vocal against Hollywood's body and beauty standards for time. Earlier this year, in a video made with Vogue, he shared another passion while chatting about all kinds of subjects, including body and food. “For women, the of body is an important thing. From the moment you start to grow, everything starts to change. And your relationship with food begins to change,” he said. “At the beginning of my career, there was a strange episode, but I wasn't fit. I think it was particularly confusing for people in Hollywood. “Women in Hollywood, especially young women in Hollywood, put themselves on all these ways to get all kinds of opportunities they need to get because it was just like this,” he continued. “I think I put my foot in this direction. I like to eat." In an interview for magazine, at same time, at end of day, he said that he was still only one person under charm of Hollywood. "We are human; we can make up, make up, and I can look good for a premiere. In another interview, with Vanity Fair, it is important for him to know that his fans know that the red carpet appearance is not the real appearance. When make up step into a wonderful dress, give credit to people who show me like this, want my fans to know that don't always look like that) stress acne have hairy eyebrows greasy hair.”. Last year, Don'tans Darling Star responded to criticism from the trolls after wearing a transparent dress on the red carpet. "For the first time, and certainly what is wrong with a foreign crowd in a woman's body will not be the last time, worrying thing, how some of you can be," he wrote Instagram.Or you want to let me know how to be ashamed with such plain breasts. " “I have lived in my body for a long time.. " PUGH's buzzing and various color iterations, a big deal in the big scheme of things. At the end of the day, this is a haircut - how much radical and groundbreaking? But it is also a big thing, because everything that dares to challenge these damaging beauty ideals is very important . And it is clear that more disadvantages are needed, thinking how many people need to comment on what they do with their bodies of PUGH and other women in the public eye. We are lucky that PUGH fought fighting and we look surprisingly violent in doing so.


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